CBD, an alternative treatment for the aches and pains of old age

When we talk about CBD and cannabinoids, we tend to think that these substances are mainly of interest to young people. After all, it’s not uncommon to confuse cannabis and its derivatives. For example, we imagine that they’re just for fun. Yet CBD’s diverse wellness benefits and virtues make it a substance of choice for a considerably wider demographic. Particularly for seniors, who could find it a less intrusive and less costly alternative to typical treatments…

Why CBD is a relevant treatment for seniors

The aging process of the human body is inexorable. While the wisdom and confidence of gray hair is sometimes welcome, old bones remain an undesirable side effect. As we age, simple ailments become illnesses. All health problems seem to increase as the body loses its ability to rebuild itself.

It’s in this context that the ills of old age become apparent. Chronic pain, body and mind disorders, loss of sleep, heart problems, even hormonal disorders. Admittedly, there’s still no universal solution to such ailments, but for many, CBD could be an alternative solution. A way for the elderly to improve their quality of life without resorting to the usual drug treatments.

Some concrete benefits of CBD for the elderly

For seniors, CBD has the potential to be the ideal solution. On the one hand, they are easy to use, with no risk of overdose and minor side effects. On the other hand, their virtues and properties help alleviate the discomfort of aging.

Alleviate pain

Pain is the great affliction of the elderly. Whether caused by arthritis, heart disease, cancer or even neurological problems, they are almost always present. CBDs have long been used to alleviate pain.

Indeed, numerous studies have determined that inflammation and chronic pain caused by rheumatism, arthritis or multiple sclerosis can be relieved by CBD. These studies, carried out by the University of Kentucky(2016) and the US National Academy of Sciences(2017), clearly show that these effects are even seen for pain of neuropathic origin. In short, in various forms, CBD could alleviate chronic pain, without subjecting the elderly to the same worrisome side effects as most modern painkillers.

Improving sleep quality for seniors

Another unfortunate consequence of aging is sleep disorders. These disorders can range from frequent insomnia to complete disruption of sleep cycles. Such disturbances in turn affect the body’s ability to heal itself. After all, sleep can be considered the human body’s “maintenance” period.

To remedy this, we systematically turn to sleeping pills. Medicines which, despite their effectiveness, only treat symptoms without providing any lasting remedy. CBD could help improve sleep over time. In fact, their proven effects in treating anxiety and stress make them ideal candidates for the elderly.

Improve heart and vascular health

Unsurprisingly, vascular disease is one of the main causes of death among the elderly. From hypertension to coronary heart disease, the list is long. While CBD is far from being able to offer a new lease of life to the human heart, it could be used to reduce blood pressure.

To this can be added the antioxidant properties of cannabinoids, which also help reduce heart inflammation. In this use case, researchers are continuing to investigate the question of using CBD preventively to stem the progression of vascular disease.

The neuroprotective virtues of CBD for seniors

There are many studies on the benefits of cannabinoids in the prevention and treatment of degenerative brain diseases. For nearly 15 years, researchers around the world have been examining its usefulness in this context. Although there are no irrefutable conclusions yet, the observations are already very encouraging. Notably those of Barbara Koppel in a 2015 study.

Whether it’s Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s or various other forms of mental degeneration, CBD is said to reduce the agitation and pain experienced by seniors. Even for Charcot’s disease, the use of CBD is already being considered for future treatments.
